Thursday, 28 January 2010

Magic Cupcakes

The time had come for me to host my first gathering of ladies at home for the 'Committee', and I recently felt that all these coffee mornings are beginning to get a little repetitive, only on the refreshment front I might add, not with the company which is stimulating, hilarious,insightful and somewhat competitive in a discreet British manner.

Always the best china is used, as are the table linens which are neatly and accurately pressed, not a stain in sight, plates piled high with cakes and biscuits which are always homemade, and naturally, tea, which is mostly bags but occasionally leaves, although this does create all sorts of logistical tea pouring problems, so most stick to tea bags or coffee. Outfits carefully considered and most seem to be channelling a Jaeger look which is not really me, but fear not as I have found my very own version of country casual courtesy of a combination of those stalwarts of Britishness, Burberry and Mulberry (although I believe they are sadly no longer Brit owned).

I was really quite excited and decided that although I am now very much living here in the countryside that I would add a little London to my coffee morning, starting with the tea, and along with Lapsang Souchong, Darjeeling and Earl Grey I was going to add my two new favourite herbal teas in their girlie packaging from Pukka Tea, Harmonise and Pleasure and I was going to use something quite radical, mugs, not just any old mugs, but a very sexy variety from the esteemed maker of tea and coffee sipping accouterments, Keith Brymer Jones . I knew this would cause a stir, as tea is always served in cups and saucers at these events, but the time has come to shake these ladies up a little, and change can be a good thing.
I also made the decision to move away from the traditional cakes and biscuits and produce some vivid and unique cupcakes.

The morning arrived and I felt completely satisfied that I had left nothing to chance. I had decided to hold the main event in our drawing room rather than at a table in the dining room, and had positioned a selection of small Victorian side tables at strategic points so the ladies would be able place their mugs and plates down when the wished, beautiful bouquets from a nearby florist I found were placed in two of the window seats offering up hints of spring.

At the allotted hour the ladies began to arrive and after their coats had been taken, were shown into the drawing room which at this time of day has the sun shining through it, highlighting the wood paneling, lead windows, beamed ceilings and stone fireplace. A small fire had been lit and the room glowed. While the ladies chatted about the state of the potholes and the weather that had caused them the tea, mugs, coffee, milk and sugar and cupcakes were brought in to the drawing room and placed on my antique bureau.

I had decided not to serve, but invited my guests to help themselves and I watched as the chair lady lifted her rear from a newly Pierre Frey covered chair and made a dash for the refreshments, elbowing others out of the way to get there first. She was transfixed and I was unsure if it was in horror or shock or both perhaps. She gasped at the woman on her right and as I shimmied over I heard her whisper (loudly), "Do you think she made these herself"? She then grabbed the spectacles which dangled around her neck on a plastic chain and read the inscription on the mug "Sex+chocolate" she spluttered, "outrageous". The woman on the right then said "Actually Daphne, (not her real name), I think it's thoroughly refreshing, and you really must find your sense of humour". With that, I interjected and offered to pour the chair lady some tea and picked up the plate of cupcakes and offered them to her. She took her tea and chosen cake decorated with chocolate flowers and a raspberry coloured bow, and stomped off back to her chair.

During the remainder of the morning, much tea, both normal and herbal were drunk by my guests and nearly all the cupcakes eaten, many subjects were discussed and plans were made to begin the task of organising the Summer Fete. I noted that throughout the proceedings that the Chair Lady seemed less forceful than usual and others were allowed to freely make suggestions without being verbally slapped down.
Two hours later we were finished and the ladies all said their thank yous, and complimented me on introducing them to some new teas, and on acquainting them with the fine art of cupcakes. The Chair Lady was last to leave and after she had taken her coat, she looked me in the eye and said "That was the most beautiful thing I have ever eaten, not only the taste but its design, you are a very talented young woman, and I'm very glad you have joined our committee, you have much to offer, and although some of your ideas are rather 'modern', I can see that there is humour within them" she then patted me on the back and left. I am now quite chuffed knowing I have the regal seal of approval from our very own local Majesty, and that there is some magic dust somewhere in my cupcakes.


Author in the making said...

it sounds wonderful! I am determined to have a party with my friends and make lots of pretty and colourful cupcakes, some of my favourite things! i love your blog and reading your life's adventures

Style At Every Age said...

I want one of those cupcakes now! they look beautiful!

English Rose ♥ said...

sounds so much fun, i love hearing about your life and it reminds me i really want to throw a traditional tea party!

Thanks so much for your wonderful comment and vote - sorry for the late reply =]

Stay safe and chic darling,
English Rose x

Sherin said...

Wow, sounds like you did a great job on the coffee morning. It sounds like it was so much fun.

Wildernesschic said...

Oh I wish I lived near you, I am already the non thrifter here in the Welsh hills your cupcakes would blow their minds.. and mine I cannot stop imagining what they must taste like and with some Earl grey perfection.
ps Love the sound of your home..and well done you its taken me six years to join the little book club, not a great committee person x

Anonymous said...

I need me some of those cupcakes - like now... no yesterday!

Metropolitan Mum said...

Are these really your homemade cupcakes in the picture above? Oh. My. God. I never ever again am going to post a picture of my naive cupcake attempts.

Gill - That British Woman said...

okay confess......did you order in those cupcakes or did you make them????

Oh and how I wish I was invited!!

Gill in Canada

Susie said...

Thank you so much for stopping by! Nice to 'meet' you - love your morning tea story & will be coming back to catch up! Look forward to following your country life....warm wishes, Susie

Lady MacB said...

Those cupcakes are gorgeous! Do you have a recipe?

Also, can I just say how much I love watching this blog take shape? I can see all of these stories being compiled for a book someday.

French Fancy... said...

I hereby order you to move to Brittany. Never mind poncy English countryside - you come and experience the real thing. You come and see ugly old Breton farmers who still have mullets. Watch as the little pigs sail past on their way to their final little squeal.

Then we can have cupcake parties and throw Yiddish words back and forth.Add a bit of London sophistication to western France. Actually I look anything but these days - gone are the days of my NW11 glamour.

will be back...

mermaid gallery said...

Wow, I'm impressed...everything is casual about my lifestyle..from gatherings of laid back people to munchies. The cupcakes take the cake!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

That cupcake is too beautiful to munch!
Never have tried Lapsang Souchong,
I'm intrigued now~
Lovely week dear!

Unknown said...

Great evening!!! I want one of those cupcakes...and of course some tea in one of those cups :)-

Diane @ Haute Flashion said...

Those are the most beautiful cupcakes that I have ever seen!

I thoroughly enjoyed this post. Glad you blew some of the cobwebs out of her rather stuffy view of life.

(always)alanna said...

ohmygosh. did you seriously make those? they are absolutely amazingggg
and gorgeouss blogg; will definitely be back again visiting SOON!

Faux Fuchsia said...

Thankyou for becoming a follower of my blog- I love your blog! Esp your garden photos. I hope you don't mind but I am going to add your fabulous blog to my blog roll, because it's everything I want in a blog- food, gardens, houses, clothes. So happy to have found you, Hooray. said...

I think we all need to get out our high tea stands and overload them with cupcakes! Thanks for dropping by Beach Vintage.

joei ♥ said...

sounds like a lovely party!
cupcakes + tea = heaven ;)


Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Those cupcakes look fabulous! xx

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

I need that mug!

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Wow, I want this mug! :)

parTea lady said...

Sounds like all your effort and planning paid off at the committee meeting. Those are the prettiest cupcakes I've seen in a while. Thanks for including all those links, too.

Mise said...

Wow, those are absolutely gala cupcakes. I wish I'd been there. I'd have loved to meet the local matriarch as well.

Unknown said...

Well done you on defrosting the Queen. Mind you those cupcakes are to die for. Sounds like a wonderful event.

Anzu said...

So happy you commented on my blog, because your blog is just the kind of thing I like too! I am a country girl living in London, and still yearn for the English countryside so your blog is like a tonic


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